A little bit about me :)

I am a stay at home mom (for the time being) who LOVES taking photos and is bound and determined to make the absolute most of my little point and shoot (Canon PowerShot A710) that we bought in February 2007 before the birth of my son.

As it gets slower and slower these days, we just made the choice to purchase another point and shoot - so there will be a mix of shots from the A710 and now the SX130 (purchased February 2011)

Happy Shooting!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A new point and shoot

In February of 2007 my boyfriend surprised me with a Canon PowerShot A710. The digital camera we were using was an old Olympus (lol 2.0 megapixel) and had stopped working during that fall before.

We were due to have our son in July and he knew I would want a camera to record all those little moments.

Never did either of us think that I would take more than 90,000 photos on it in 4 years (keep in mind there were probably 89,000 of them that were blurry, over or underexposed, test shots, badly composed shots, etc.....)

That little camera has served me well. However, it has been tortured long enough by me.

I would have liked to upgrade to a DSLR or at the very least maybe one of the Canon G series cameras, but money wise right now they are not fitting in the budget.

Soo when we found a really good deal on another PowerShot we decided we couldn't pass it up. I don't know how much longer I can count on the A710 and would rather have something else at the ready than to have to go buy a camera later on because the A710 died.

We bought the Canon PowerShot SX130 on Friday.

The verdict is still out. LOL I am a creature of habit, and I don't adjust well to change. Soo even though there are only small differences between the two - it will take me forever to get used to it LOL.

I don't have to look at the A710 to change a setting... where I am fumbling with the SX130.

Anyhow... enough of my rambling. Here are a few shots I took on Saturday with it.

This camera has a few novelty type settings on it. One of them is the fisheye setting. I used it on this one (I took this through the rather dirty windshield on my car LOL)


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